Creating a compelling vision of the future, something really desirable, is the first thing leaders need to do if they want to motivate their teams to change or take on big tasks to reach their objectives. Vision-driven leadership is more than just having a vision. You must also be able to convey that vision in a way that enlists others to help achieve it.
Communication of vision in a way that makes others eager to follow is based on these four steps:
Making It Inspiring: Developing an inspiring vision is the first step. Everyone wants to be a part of something bigger than themselves. No individual life is large enough to satisfy our desire for significance. It's the chance to make a difference that motivates people, not their own individual lives.
Make It Concrete: Stories or values inspire a vision. They touch the heart and move people to act. But what action you must take is the second step to make it concrete. Inspiration is essential, but it's not enough. For people to understand what you're trying to build, they must go beyond abstractions and cast their vision in concrete terms. That way, they will not be able to join it if they cannot see it.
Make It Practical: As a third step, it's important to make it practical. In making decisions, a vision statement can be very helpful. For instance, how we present ourselves to prospective candidates, screen them, and interview them. With a specific vision, you can ensure that every member of the organization is on the same page. For example, your executive assistant can decide which appointments to schedule and which to decline.
Make It Visible: A fourth step is making it visible. For any statement of vision to be effective, you need to tell people about it. You can't sit on a mountain, ponder a vision for hours, and then keep it to yourself. You have to communicate your vision constantly.
If we are not visionaries, then we can't expect everyone else to either. If we don't have a clear vision of the future, no one else on the team will either. Begin by creating an inspiring, concrete, and practical tool, and then communicate it relentlessly. People will follow you.